Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks, Family, Turkey and Shotty Internet Connections

I did not intend to miss all 3 NY Rangers games this week, really, I swear. It just happened to work that way.  The Hubs and I spent the day of Turkey with my parents in North Carolina.  Knowing that I could potentially miss 3 games pained me. It was like a kidney shot to, well, the kidney. So I attempted to find a way to watch the games… Here is my story that I have lived to tell.

It all started Wednesday morning. We left the ATL at 10am, hoping that the 8 hour drive would go smoothly. The Hubs endured me singing Christina Perri and Paramore, loudly. Once we hit Raleigh, we got stuck in ‘traffic’ (I use that word loosely, as nothing compares to rush hour traffic in Manhattan or ATL), and the trip turned into a 10 hour drive. After realizing that people in Raleigh can’t merge and we bypassed the merge point that held us up for almost 2 hours, we finally rolled into my parent’s town on fumes. Literally, on fumes. The car had been on E and The Hubs loves to drive me nuts by pushing the limits on my poor car. We fueled up and got to my parents house.

I figured once we got to my parents house, I could sneak on my computer and watch the game online or on my phone. After a round of hellos and the like, we settled into the living room where I pulled out ye ol’ laptop and searched for their wireless router.  I asked my dad what it was, and he informed me that they no longer had a wireless router.  The look on my face was priceless.  So I found a wireless signal, that only lasted for seconds at a time thus rendering my attempt to watch the game online useless.

So I attempted to pull up the game on my GameCenter app on my iPhone. Yeah, no luck either. The game was not being streamed on my GameCenter app. Thank goodness it’s a free app. So I stuck with the updates on Twitter.  I didn't read one carefully and almost started fueling rumours that EC was sent to The Whale. Twit Faux Pas Numero Uno!

The thought of ordering CenterIce for my parents for 3 days did cross my mind. But I don’t think The Hubs would appreciate 2 CenterIce subscriptions.  I attempted to finagle my Comcast account to be able to set the DVR to record the games, but since I had no internet connection, that plan was thwarted as well. My parents really need to get a wireless router for the one time a year that we go to NC.

The ride home on Saturday went more smoothly than the ride down to NC. But we got home just as the game was ending. I have impeccable timing. Impeccable.

So I suffered through 4 long gameless days with shotty internet connections.  I made it through with updates on my twitter and GameCenter, turkey, pecan pie, and lots of coffee. Lots of coffee.

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