Friday, October 7, 2011

Superstitions. Even Fans have them.

"You know what, I probably dont have a whole lot of rituals... I do, but i change them all the time whether were winning or losing. um there's a couple things that I do that have to be staples, but uh, I'm too embarrassed to tell you. I'll leave those to myself. Nothing to do with underwear... I clean all that..." 
Brad Richards

SidCro won't call his mom on game days.  Apparently everytime he called her pre-game, he got injured. Hitman anyone?

and the ever present playoff beard.

So... I'll preface this by saying I'm an odd duck. In case you haven't figured that out yet.  I also have OCD, a compulsion for numbers, and a fascination with shiny things...

That being said, let's rewind the calendar to somewhere's around 1996ish.  I would watch Ranger games on MSG. With my Rangers jersey. And a notebook.  I would jot down the opening lineups, the 4 lines and 3 D pairings. With a blue ballpoint BIC pen.  I may have also had a bad Ogilvie perm at that time, but that information is irrelevant...

I did this for every game.  It took dedication, blood, sweat and tears.  The blood, of course, coming from paper cuts.  It's a brutal job.

As I aged, and paper went by the wayside, I had different superstitions.  I had to add all the shots to get an even number.  I'd calculate the total digits of the line up and divide it down to its smallest numerical value.  I would drink coffee out of my Rangers mug, with the logo pointing due east.  I would eat only Orville Redenbacher popcorn.

It was a tough job, but someone had to do it.

After taking a couple years off of watching the NHL circa the lockout era, I had forgotten all about my oddities until today...

I couldn't find my beloved Rangers mug.

I guess I need to get a new one.

Let's go Rangers.

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